mardi 28 décembre 2010

Of freedom and possibility...

What do you do when you have no limitation but your own fear?
Fear of failure, fear of disappointment, fear of success and its implications...

A year ago my perspectives seemed so reductive and frustratingly narrow.
Today everything is open: I have the whole realm of possibility in my palm, and I'm to decide which path to follow.

I am the driver. If I give myself a chance, I can make my wildest dreams come true.

Yet I am paralyzed by fear.
The more I think of the openness of my future, and the simplicity with which I could get what I've always wanted, the more fear eats my guts.

I can't believe I am so stupid to be afraid of what I've always wanted. I should be jumping up and down with joy, and energy, at the idea that with a little effort, I could bring everything together and build the life I've always dreamed of.
And here I stand, lethargic, twisted and contorted in physical pain as my body expresses how much fear there is inside.

Maybe this is the first step of my trip: facing my fear, learning to trust myself and holding on to that conviction that whatever happens next, I will cope.

So here I stand, at the edge of the pit. I can't see the bottom, and everything is dark. And I must jump. Because if I don't, I might stay here standing for a veeeery long time.

Where do you find the courage to face your deepest fears.
Where do you find the courage to look inwards, and plunge your hands into the most disgusting stuff you have inside yourself, so you can take it out and let it burn in the sun, and live YOUR life.

This is what I aspire to right now. Free myself of all the guilt and fear, and sense of obligations and protestant self-restrictive values that my dear grandmother has put in me without me even knowing...

I feel guilty for wanting so much of life. And yet I know that I'm not asking for more than what I can get from myself.
Now how silly can you get?!!

My journey to myself has actually begun a few months ago, and I'm still so far from being the soul I want to be.

mercredi 8 décembre 2010

Il était une fois...

Il fut un temps où toute ma vie était tracée.
Je savais où j'allais, dans quel ordre les grands évènements de ma vie prendraient place, avec qui, et pourquoi.
Il était à moi, j'étais à lui, tout se déroulerait selon la logique des normes.
Une fille, un garçon, un couple, un mariage, un enfant, puis un autre...

Dans mon petit esprit pétri de certitudes, je ne m'étais jamais vraiment posé la question... Et si la vie n'avait pas prévu ça pour moi, et si ce n'étais pas le bon, si je me trompais de chemin.

Alors quand les premiers indices ont commencé à se révéler, j'ai refusé de les voir, j'ai fermé les yeux le plus fort possible.
J'avais CHOISI.

C'est moi que j'ai trahi en premier.
Je me suis menti, j'ai tu la petite voix qui me disait "est-ce bien vrai tout ça?", j'ai fermé toutes les portes de mon esprit pour enfermer cette voix qui me criait que je vivais un conte qui virerait tôt ou tard au cauchemar.
L'ego, le premier et le plus intime ennemi. Celui qui nous connait le mieux, sait le mieux contourner notre âme pour se satisfaire au prix de la vérité. Je me suis menti parce que j'avais honte de m'être trompée.
Honte d'avoir choisi avec la tête plutôt qu'avec le coeur, ce qui est pourtant contraire à mes idéaux. Honte de ne pas être fière de celui qui partageait ma vie, de ne pas le trouver beau, fort et intelligent, de ne pas l'admirer.
Alors mon ego a contourné le problème. Il était mon égal et c'était bien mieux. Il était mon confort, mon plan épargne vie. 0% de risques, et 100% de tendresse. On ne peut pas tout avoir.

Sauf que la vérité vous rattrape un jour.
Fuir la vérité c'est comme fuir la lumière. Je me suis enfoncée dans des rêveries nocturnes, qui ont contaminé mes journées, et bien vite je me suis perdue.
Comme une toxicomane. Je ne pouvais pas fonctionner au quotidien sans ma dose de fantasmes. Ils me suivaient partout. Au travail, dans les transports, quand je faisais les courses. Je me forçait à rester ancrée à la réalité pendant le bain et le dîner de la petite, et puis dès qu'elle était couchée, je me replongeais au plus vite dans mon univers privé. Le jour, la nuit. Je luttais contre le sommeil pour gagner des minutes de rêve éveillé. Je me sentais plus vivante derrière mes paupières que dans la réalité.

Et puis mon imagination a commencé à s’essouffler, et il a bien fallu que je regarde plus souvent la réalité en face.
Je ne savais plus qui j'étais.
Je savais qu'il faudrait mettre un terme à tout ça, mais je cherchais à gagner du temps.
Mon ego cherchait encore à se débattre, mais la douleur et la solitude prenaient le dessus pas à pas. Ma peau ne sentait plus rien, mes sourires étaient des grimaces, je me regardais dans le miroir et je ne voyais rien... personne dans mes yeux... je ressentais un vide indescriptible.

Je ne suis pas suicidaire, je ne l'ai jamais été. J'ai toujours cru en la vie et elle m'a toujours gâtée. C'est cette "foi" qui m'a permit d'avancer encore un peu plus, et encore, et encore, avec la certitude, ou peut être simplement l'espoir, que la vie me trouverait une solution.

J'avais commencé a accepter qu'il fallait que je quitte mon mari. Celui que j'avais CHOISI pour être mon compagnon et le père de mes enfants. J'ai essayé de toute mes forces de l'aimer encore et tout ce que j'ai réussi à faire, c'est me détacher de lui jusqu'au dégoût.
Pourtant j'avais promis. Promis que je ne le quitterais pas, que je lui donnerais un autre enfant, qu'on se construirait une maison, une vie rêvée ensemble... Alors j'avais honte de tout casser, de revenir sur mes promesses. Au delà de la peur d'être seule, c'était la peur de devoir revenir sur mes promesses qui me faisait rester. La solitude me terrorisait bien sûr, mais la situation avait tellement pourri que je me serai sentie mieux seule qu'à ses côtés.

Et puis la vie m'a fait un cadeau que je ne pouvais pas refuser.
Je suis tombée amoureuse. Amoureuse comme jamais je ne l'ai été dans ma vie d'adulte. Amoureuse comme je ne pensais jamais plus l'être. Ce sentiment qui vous transporte, vous donne l'impression de voler. Le sommeil n'avait plus d'importance puisque les journées avaient un goût de rêve.
Et pourtant j'ai lutté comme j'ai pu pour ne pas faillir. Je n'utilise pas ces mots par hasard.
Comme j'ai pu. Pas "du mieux que j'ai pu", pas "de toute mes forces". Parce que d'une part je n'avais plus de forces et d'autre part, comment peut-on lutter "du mieux qu'on peut" contre ce qu'on désire plus que tout?
Alors je suis montée tout en haut du plongeoir, j'ai fermé les yeux et j'ai sauté.

En écrivant le début de ce chapitre, je pensais finir en disant qu'aujourd'hui, j'ai perdu toutes mes certitudes et tous mes repères, et je cherche tant bien que mal mon équilibre.

Au fil des mots je réalise que certes, j'ai perdu mes certitudes, mais j'ai touché ma vérité.
La vérité est une amie fuyante. On la cherche, elle se cache, on la teste, et elle se montre...
Chaque jour, je vérifie que je suis bien le chemin de ma vérité. Parfois cela me cause de grandes frustrations, l'impression de suivre un feu follet...
Et je lutte contre la peur de me tromper encore et de me mentir encore.
Chaque jour, je lutte contre mon ego pour le faire taire, et lui rappeler que certes, j'ai manqué à toutes mes promesses, et abandonné celui que j'avais choisi. Mais la vie m'a fait un cadeau inestimable et pas un seul jour je n'ai regretté... alors il n'y a pas de honte à savourer chaque minute de cette nouvelle vie, parce que la vie, ma vérité, m'a pardonné.

Il était une fois une jeune fille qui s'était laissé guider par son ego...

mercredi 13 octobre 2010

... Sad ...


I feel sad
Because I never seem
To find the right moment
To tell you
How much you mean to me


mardi 31 août 2010


There is too much anger
And frustration
The feeling that I am still fighting for my freedom
Except I don't know by whom it was stolen.

I try to think, but my thoughts are blurred
I try to write but my words are empty.

It may seem like I am enjoying my own drama
Like I feast on my own unhappiness.

I am trying to find my way out.

lundi 28 juin 2010

My bubble

A tiny bubble in my chest
Just went pop
It smells of your perfume
An tastes of your skin

Reminds me of your smile in the morning

jeudi 24 juin 2010

Fifteen days without you...

A weight in my chest.
Another fifteen days without you...

I already miss you with every fiber of my being.

lundi 14 juin 2010


You take my face in your hands
And I forget
All that ever existed before you.


mercredi 9 juin 2010


Longing for your warmth,
The security of your arms,
The comfort of your shoulder.

Wipe my worries away
with the tip of your fingers
- smoothing the ripples on my mind -

Kiss me into oblivion
for I no longer wish to think,
or learn,or plan, or move...

Teach me the now,
And make it all slow down.
I'll focus on the sound of your heart.


mercredi 19 mai 2010

To you...

Your sweet smile
A tear on you cheek
The whisper of your breathing
Your sleepy eyes in the morning sun


My bee, my joy, my girl, my baby.

mardi 18 mai 2010


You take me
And I take You

- Yes -
Is a Word you've got to say
Loud and Clear

- or not at all -

lundi 17 mai 2010

fast... too fast?

We say we're going too fast.
But what is too fast?

It took me one week to consider,
One day to decide,
One hour to fall...

Now it is still too early
to be there yet
but where are we
and what time is it really?

mardi 4 mai 2010

Of pain...

That burn,
That sting...
You name it:

a mixed feeling of
Shame, Regret, Spite, Fear, Loss
The urgent need for the barriers I've worked so hard
to bring down

Is that what if feels like?
Being Alive....

mardi 27 avril 2010

Let us...

I had given up on my heart,
And yet, your touch, your kiss...
They have rekindled a fire
I had thought long dead.


When you move inside me
Your eyes are the sky,
And your hands soothe my pains,
And your lips help me find who I am.

And as I lay against you
In the echoes of our cries,
I write unsaid prayers
on the blank screens of my mind.


Let him hold my hand in his
For as long as he dares;
Let him build new dreams with me,
For all I want is to dream along;
Let me remember forever:
Your eyes in mine,
My hand in yours,
Our lips pressed together.

jeudi 8 avril 2010

Help me live again

It had been long
since I last
felt so strongly
about anything

Love - Hate - Fear - Hope

Now all of it
is overwhelming,
and my heart feels
like a wet, squishy sponge.

And yet I want
more of the chill,
and the heat,
and the high,
and the burn.

Take me,
squeeze me,
soothe me,
and help me live again...

mardi 30 mars 2010

It used to be love...

It burns in my chest
like the Fires of Hell
the Frustration - the Anger - the Disgust
at everything you say
and everything you are

How did love turn itself upon us?
When did it all shatter and snap?
Your heart is in a million pieces,
and mine feels like hot steel.

I can't even look at you now.
It reminds me of all the
small - insignificant - annoying details
now turning into pits of Hate.

It feels like a century since I loved you,
like a story in an old, battered book
on the cruelty of life.
And there is no Happy Ending.

jeudi 18 mars 2010

My inner sky is blue

My inner sky is blue.

Blue like a shiny
happy morning of Spring
when the air smells
of new blossoms and dew.

I can feel the taste
of fresh bread and butter,
sweet warm milk;
the warmth of a favourite blanket
cuddled up in the corner of an old sofa.

And just like the sun
can shine heartlessly
on the morning of a cataclysm,
my heart is shining,
breathing, pumping, feeling,
and enjoying every bit of it,
while your world
is shattered and grey.

lundi 15 mars 2010

A spectator in my own home

I've taken my decision. It is over, and I want to move on.
It selfish, and cruel. But this is who I am.

We've talked and talked, trying to figure out where it all went wrong.
From here it looks like life has played a dirty trick on us...
Or maybe it was our own blindness and unwillingness to accept that we were being driven appart from each other.

We've evolved in different directions. And it is a pity.
But now we have to face it and cope, and make sure that the baby doesn't suffer too much.

I'm scared shitless that you will take her away from me.
It is me who is braking this home as you say, and I won't take her away from you. If you decide to leave and take her 22 000 km away from me, it will be a nightmare, but I'll take the bite. I can't decide to go back too, because I don't want to ever reproach her with that sacrifice. Or you.

I don't know what the month ahead will be like. We'll take it one day at a time.

All I can hold on to now, is the sensation that for the first time in a very long time, I'm not a spectator in my own home, but I am me living my life.

samedi 6 mars 2010

It is a long day...

I'm the one who said the words, and yet I am the one crying.
I guess there is no easy way to say "I think I don't love you anymore".

And now you're the one asking what you can do to make me feel better.
And all the while I know you will cry when I can't see you.

We've built so many things, made so many promises...
Our child is the most precious thing I have in this world.

And I've managed to speak these words.
The words I have been dreading for months.

But I had to. I had be honest with you and with myself.
And now I don't know how to make it up to you.

We will try to make it work somehow, we said.
But at the bottom of my heart there is little hope.

And down to my very soul I wish things had been otherwise.
And I'm trying to figure out how and when it all happened.

I just wish this day would end.
And I can't bring myself to kiss you...

mardi 2 mars 2010


I am in between
- spaces, times, worlds -

The bubbles
Rising from my lips
Are beads of contained emotions.

From above
The sun glows
Through the murky waters where I lie,

But I keep away
From the warmth
And the light

And relish
The salt of my tears

For each of them
Tastes of freedom
And fear.

vendredi 26 février 2010

Wishful thinking

I wish I knew what I really want,
I wish I knew where I'm heading to,
I wish He would reach out to me,
I wish He'd stop looking at me that way,
I wish it was all plain and simple,
I wish I could keep all our promises,
I wish I was the one You deserve,
I wish I still loved You like the first day...

I wish I knew what I really want, but I don't.
I wish I knew where I'm heading to, but the path I was following is harder than I thought.
I wish He would reach out to me, yet I also hope He won't...
I wish He'd stop looking at me that way, and I know it will hurt if He does.
I wish it was all plain and simple, though everything is blurred and twisted.
I wish I could keep all our promises, but that's impossible, isn't it?
I wish I was the one You deserve, because I have failed You in so many ways.
I wish I still loved You like the first day, but all that is left is the flicker of a candle...

jeudi 18 février 2010


I feel your breath on my neck
And my hips are alive
You kiss me
And a Fire lights up in my womb
My body calls for yours
Comme nestle inside me
Make me your haven
And forget reality

6pm on my balcony

Doubt is sometimes necessary

It is quite interesting how we sometimes have to go through the process of doubting and rejecting everything that is our everyday life, and go to the extent of wishing we could give it all up – husband, child, job – and start over in a whole different direction. And then once enough time has been spent fantasizing about this path we’ve missed, we can realize that there is nothing in that parallel life that would bring more satisfaction or excitement then our own reality. And then we can feel the loneliness and the anguish that really fills that parallel world that at first seemed so much more colourful than the real and open our eyes again on the components of our ordinary, and that’s when we learn how to love again.

I am where I want to be.

tying words

It all started out in infinite boredom.
On the one hand I'm one of the luckiest people on Earth. I'm paid to sit there, edit an official letter once in a while, and sort out a couple of petty administrative issues; thus, about forty hours of my week are spent wasting time on the inter,et, and at the end of the month a generous paycheck still makes its way to my bank account. Thinking about it, I must admit I feel a bit ashamed.
On the other hand, that boredom is sometimes quite unbearable. I mean, who could just sit there doing nothing productive whatsoever for so many hours and not wantto throw himself out the window?!

That's why I started tweeting. Out of utter boredom.

And well, I like blabbering a lot, and tweets are just too short sometimes, so i thought I'd start a blog so I can write a bit more, and see what comes out of it; though most probably nothing will, but at least it will keep me busy for a while.